We are in the era of expression. It's all about what you say, what you do, what you show. And this that you say, do and show is sculpted by the chisel of our frustrations which also draws a happy caricature of who we'd like to be.
In the infinite space of our computer we let ourselves go just enough to get the approval of those to which we dedicate our actions, no more and no less.
Sometimes, tempted by honesty, or maybe in a desperate attemp to call an attention that we no longer know how to call in the real world, we allow ourselves to post a picture that invites gossip to enter our lives (most times this gossip is actually pursued), or a perfectly addecuate radical comment...and we wait for the results...
It's fun to see who comment what and how, who keep their silence and who passes by, smile and go.
In this cyberspace's square we all meet up with our best faces, with perfect songs and perfect moments, with a huge sack that hides all that we do not want to show and that belongs to our real nature. And here we are at this party where nobody sees anything unexpected and nobody gets hurt. It's the ideal happy wax house that is!! And being uncertain wether this appreciation of mine is right or wrong, the thing is that everybody is in this party.
This affects us in our relationships with others, the real ones, demanding much more intensity, more magic, more space and more softness to the point that we find ourselves asking for a pretty puppet because HUMANS are no longer valid. They demand too much from us, they demand another human...!!!